Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why do I need a Fall Furnace Check??

We all have heard the commercials lately, Get your 26point fall check up and receive an ONG $30 mail in rebate! ONG is offering this rebate to everyone and its a GREAT deal! Sometimes you think things are just fine in your house until we come to service your furnace for a fall check and find things like this....
This customer thought she had a furnace that was only aprox. 4 years old and everything was just fine. She was just doing the fall check because of the rebate. If she hadn't done one, she would have been blowing mold into her home all winter long! This is why we always recommend a fall check and a spring check. We don't want our customers to find this sort of thing to late! Get your Fall Service Check now and receive an ONG rebate form to mail in and receive $30 back from ONG!
The McBee Team